Conservation of mass (compressible flow)

Let us denote the velocity calculated from the momentum equation by \boldsymbol{v}^*. Thus:

\boldsymbol{v}^*_P + \boldsymbol{H}_P (\boldsymbol{v}^*) = \boldsymbol{B}_P^{(m-1)} - D_P \nabla p_P^{(m-1)} (649)


\displaystyle \boldsymbol{v}^*_f \displaystyle = \overline{\boldsymbol{v} }^*_f - \overline{D}_f \left [ \frac{p... ... \overline{\nabla p}_f^{(m-1)} \cdot \boldsymbol{j}_F \right ] \boldsymbol{j}_f (650)
  \displaystyle = \overline{\boldsymbol{v} }^*_f + \overline{D}_f (\overline{\nabla p}_f^{(m-1)} - \nabla p_f^{(m-1)}) (651)

The resulting mass flow \dot{m}^*_f through face f corresponds to:

\dot{m}^*_f = \overrightarrow{\rho }_f^{(m-1)} A_f \boldsymbol{v}^*_f \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f, (652)

where \overrightarrow{\rho }_f^{(m-1)} is obtained from

\overrightarrow{\rho } ^{(m-1)} = \frac{\overrightarrow{p} ^{(m-1)} }{r \overline{T} ^{(m-1)} } (653)

while at the element centers we have (e.g. at P):

\rho_P^{(m-1)}=\frac{p_P ^{(m-1)}}{r T_P ^{(m-1)} }. (654)

Now, mass conservation requires:

\frac{\partial \rho }{\partial t} + (\rho v_j),_j =0, (655)

which after solving the conservation of momentum equation in iteration m of increment n reads (integrated form):

V_P \frac{\rho_P ^{(m-1)} - \rho _P ^{n-1}}{\Delta t} + \sum_{f}^{} \dot{m}^*_f=0, (656)

which is probably not satisfied. Therefore, a correction of the density, pressure, velocity and mass flow is proposed in the form:

\displaystyle \rho^{(m)} \displaystyle = \rho ^{(m-1)} + \rho ' (657)
\displaystyle p^{(m)} \displaystyle = p ^{(m-1)} + p' (658)
\displaystyle \boldsymbol{v}^{(m)} \displaystyle = \boldsymbol{v}^* + \boldsymbol{v} ' (659)
\displaystyle \dot{m}_f^{(m)} \displaystyle = \dot{m}_f^* + \dot{m}_f ' . (660)

Assume that \boldsymbol{v},p also satisfy the conservation of momentum equation just solved, i.e.

\boldsymbol{v}_P ^{(m)} + \boldsymbol{H}_P (\boldsymbol{v} ^{(m)} ) = B_P ^{(m-1)} - D_P \nabla p ^{(m)} _P (661)


\boldsymbol{v}_f ^{(m)} = \overline{\boldsymbol{v} }_f ^{(m)} + \overline{D}_f \left [ \overline{\nabla p}_f ^{(m)} - \nabla p_f ^{(m)} \right ], (662)

leading to (subtract Equation ([*]) from Equation ([*]))

\boldsymbol{v}_P ' + \boldsymbol{H}_P (\boldsymbol{v} ') = - D_P \nabla p'_P (663)

and (subtract Equation ([*]) from Equation ([*]))

\boldsymbol{v}_f' = \overline{\boldsymbol{v} }_f' + \overline{D}_f (\overline{\nabla p}_f' - \nabla p_f' ). (664)

With the corrected values the conservation of mass reads:

V_P \frac{\rho_P ^{(m-1)} + \rho_P' - \rho_P^{n-1}}{\Delta t} + \sum_{f}^{}\dot{m}_f ^{(m)} = 0. (665)

Now, \dot{m}_f ^{(m)} satisfies:

\displaystyle \dot{m}_f^{(m)} \displaystyle = (\overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} + \overrightarrow{\rho} _f') A_f (\boldsymbol{v}_f^* + \boldsymbol{v}_f ') \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f (666)
  \displaystyle \approx \dot{m}_f^* + \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \bold... ...n}_f + \overrightarrow{\rho }_f' A_f \boldsymbol{v}_f^* \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f, (667)

neglecting second order terms. Since

\overrightarrow{p}_f ^{(m-1)} = \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} r \overline{T} _f ^{(m-1)} (668)

we also have (the temperature T is kept constant)

\overrightarrow{p}_f' = \overrightarrow{\rho }_f' r \overline{T} _f ^{(m-1)} (669)

and the last term can be replaced by

\overrightarrow{\rho }_f' A_f \boldsymbol{v}_f^* \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f = \frac{\overrightarrow{p}_f' }{r \overline{T} _f ^{(m-1)} } \frac{\dot{m}_f^*}{\overrightarrow{\rho } _f ^{(m-1)}}. (670)

The second term in Equation ([*]) amounts to:

\displaystyle \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \boldsymbol{v}_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f \displaystyle = \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{\boldsymbol{v} }_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f    
  \displaystyle + \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{D}_f ( \overline{\nabla p}_f' - \nabla p_f') \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f. (671)


\boldsymbol{v}_P' + \boldsymbol{H}_P (\boldsymbol{v}') = -D_P \nabla p'_P (672)

we have

\boldsymbol{v}_F' + \boldsymbol{H}_F (\boldsymbol{v}') = -D_F \nabla p'_F (673)

and (taking the mean)

\overline{\boldsymbol{v} }_f' + \overline{\boldsymbol{H} }_f (\boldsymbol{v}') = - \overline{D}_f \overline{\nabla p}_f', (674)

and the second term now reads:

\displaystyle \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \boldsymbol{v}_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f \displaystyle = - \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{D}_f \nabla p _f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f    
  \displaystyle - \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{\boldsymbol{H} }_f (\boldsymbol{v}') \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f (675)

leading to the folowing form for the conservation of mass:

  \displaystyle V_P \frac{\rho_P ^{(m-1)} + \rho_P' - \rho_P^{n-1}}{\Delta t} + \sum_{f}^{} \left \{ \dot{m}_f^* \right .    
  \displaystyle - \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{D}_f \nabla p_f... ...-1)} A_f \overline{\boldsymbol{H} }_f ( \boldsymbol{v}') \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f    
  \displaystyle + \left . \frac{\overrightarrow{p}_f' }{r \overline{T} _f ^{(m-1)} } \frac{\dot{m}_f^*}{\overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} } \right \} = 0 (676)


  \displaystyle \frac{V_P p_P'}{r T_P ^{(m-1)} \Delta t} + \sum_{f}^{} \overright... ...rac{\dot{m}_f^*}{r \overline{T} _f ^{(m-1)} \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} }    
  \displaystyle - \sum_{f}^{} \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{D}_... ...m-1)} A_f \overline{\boldsymbol{H} }_f (\boldsymbol{v}') \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f    
  \displaystyle = V_P \frac{\rho_P ^{n-1} - \rho_P ^{(m-1)} }{\Delta t} - \sum_{f}^{} \dot{m}_f^* (677)

The first term is transient-like, the second convection-like and the third diffusion-like. The fourth term containing the \boldsymbol{H}-terms is usually neglected (this corresponds to the so-called SIMPLE algorithm - Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations [66]).

For the convective interpolation of the pressure correction the upwind difference scheme is always used.

The normal gradient in the diffusion term can be written as:

\nabla p_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f \approx \frac{p_F'-p_P'}{l_{PF}} + \nabla p_f' \cdot (\boldsymbol{n}_f - \boldsymbol{j}_f). (678)

Therefore, Equation ([*]) has to be solved in an iterative way: in the first subiteration only the first term in Equation ([*]) is taken into account, in the following subiterations the first term in Equation ([*]) is based on the actual subiteration, the second term is calculated based on the p' solution from the previous subiteration. This can be expressed as follows:

(\nabla p_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f)^s \approx \frac{p_F'^s-p_P'^s}{l_{PF}} + \nabla p_f'^{s-1} \cdot (\boldsymbol{n}_f - \boldsymbol{j}_f), (679)

where s is the subiteration number. Usually, only 2 subiterations are needed.

The solution of the conservation of mass yields p' at the element centers. Also here, underrelaxation is applied by taking only about 20 % of p' into account. This is typical for the SIMPLE algorithm and is due to the neglection of the \boldsymbol{H}-terms hereby increasing the risk of divergence. After determining p' the other corrections satisfy:

\boldsymbol{v}_P' = - D_P \nabla p_P' - \boldsymbol{H}_P(\boldsymbol{v}'), (680)

\dot{m}_f' = \frac{\overrightarrow{p}_f' \dot{m}_f^* }{\overrightarrow{p}_f ^{(m-1)} } - \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{D}_f \nabla p_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f - \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{\boldsymbol{H} }_f (\boldsymbol{v}') \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f, (681)

(the \overline{\boldsymbol{H}}_f-terms are usually neglected)

\boldsymbol{v}_P ^{(m)} = \boldsymbol{v}_P^* + \boldsymbol{v}_P', (682)

\dot{m}_f ^{(m)} = \dot{m}_f^* + \dot{m}_f', (683)


p_P ^{(m)} = p_P ^{(m-1)} + 0.2 p_P' (684)

\overline{p}_f ^{(m)} and \overline{\boldsymbol{v} }_f ^{(m)} are obtained from p_P ^{(m)} and \boldsymbol{v} _P ^{(m)} with the usual procedures.

Also here the boundary conditions are of utmost importance. The convection boundary conditions amount to:

The diffusion boundary conditions satisfy:

In the SIMPLE algorithm the \boldsymbol{H}-terms were neglected. This leads to slower convergence and the need to introduce unterrelaxation in order to avoid divergence. Since the publication of the SIMPLE scheme by Patankar and Spalding [66] several other schemes have been proposed to improve the convergence. One of them is the SIMPLEC scheme, which stands for SIMPLE-Consistent [87]. Instead of neglecting the \boldsymbol{H}-terms it is assumed that the velocity correction in P is the weighted mean of the correction in its neighbors. The weighting coefficients are taken from the momentum equation. Mathematically this can be written as:

\boldsymbol{v}_P' \approx \frac{\sum_{F}^{} a_F \boldsymbol{v}_F' }{\sum_{F}^{} a_F }. (686)

Now, the left hand side of Equation ([*]) can be written as:

\displaystyle \boldsymbol{v}_P' + \boldsymbol{H}_P (\boldsymbol{v}') \displaystyle = \boldsymbol{v}_P' + \sum_{F}^{} \frac{a_F \boldsymbol{v}_F' }{a_P}    
  \displaystyle = \boldsymbol{v}_P' + \boldsymbol{v}_P' \frac{\sum_{F}^{} a_F }{a_P}    
  \displaystyle = \boldsymbol{v}_P' + \boldsymbol{v}_P' H_P(1)    
  \displaystyle = \boldsymbol{v}_P' (1 + H_P(1)). (687)

Now, Equation ([*]) can be replaced by:

\boldsymbol{v}_P' = -D_P^c \nabla p'_P, (688)


D_P^c = \frac{D_P}{1+H_P(1)}. (689)

In a similar way, Equation ([*]) amounts to:

\overline{\boldsymbol{v} }_f' = - \overline{D}_f^c \overline{\nabla p}_f', (690)

and Equation ([*]) is replaced by:

\overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \boldsymbol{v}_f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f = - \overrightarrow{\rho }_f ^{(m-1)} A_f \overline{D}_f^c \nabla p _f' \cdot \boldsymbol{n}_f . (691)

Therefore, in the SIMPLEC scheme, the fourth term in ([*]) is taken into account by replacing \overline{D}_f in the third term by \overline{D}_f^c. The SIMPLEC scheme usually converges faster, especially since no underrelaxation is needed any more.