Distribruted load (dload.f)

This subroutine is used for nonuniform pressure, characterized by distributed load labels of the form PxNUy, cf *DLOAD. The load label can be up to 20 characters long. In particular, y can be used to distinguish different nonuniform loading patterns. The header and variable description is as follows:

      subroutine dload(f,kstep,kinc,time,noel,npt,layer,kspt,
     &     coords,jltyp,loadtype,vold,co,lakonl,konl,
     &     ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,nmpc,ikmpc,ilmpc,iscale,veold,
     &     rho,amat,mi)
!     user subroutine dload
!     INPUT:
!     kstep              step number
!     kinc               increment number
!     time(1)            current step time
!     time(2)            current total time
!     noel               element number
!     npt                integration point number
!     layer              currently not used
!     kspt               currently not used
!     coords(1..3)       global coordinates of the integration point
!     jltyp              loading face kode:
!                        21 = face 1 
!                        22 = face 2 
!                        23 = face 3 
!                        24 = face 4 
!                        25 = face 5 
!                        26 = face 6
!     loadtype           load type label
!     vold(0..4,1..nk)   solution field in all nodes
!                        0: temperature
!                        1: displacement in global x-direction
!                        2: displacement in global y-direction
!                        3: displacement in global z-direction
!                        4: static pressure
!     veold(0..3,1..nk)  derivative of the solution field w.r.t.
!                        time in all nodes
!                        0: temperature rate
!                        1: velocity in global x-direction
!                        2: velocity in global y-direction
!                        3: velocity in global z-direction
!     co(3,1..nk)        coordinates of all nodes
!                        1: coordinate in global x-direction
!                        2: coordinate in global y-direction
!                        3: coordinate in global z-direction
!     lakonl             element label
!     konl(1..20)        nodes belonging to the element
!     ipompc(1..nmpc))   ipompc(i) points to the first term of
!                        MPC i in field nodempc
!     nodempc(1,*)       node number of a MPC term
!     nodempc(2,*)       coordinate direction of a MPC term
!     nodempc(3,*)       if not 0: points towards the next term
!                                  of the MPC in field nodempc
!                        if 0: MPC definition is finished
!     coefmpc(*)         coefficient of a MPC term
!     nmpc               number of MPC's
!     ikmpc(1..nmpc)     ordered global degrees of freedom of the MPC's
!                        the global degree of freedom is
!                        8*(node-1)+direction of the dependent term of
!                        the MPC (direction = 0: temperature;
!                        1-3: displacements; 4: static pressure;
!                        5-7: rotations)
!     ilmpc(1..nmpc)     ilmpc(i) is the MPC number corresponding
!                        to the reference number in ikmpc(i)   
!     rho                local density 
!     amat               material name
!     mi(1)              max # of integration points per element (max
!                        over all elements)
!     mi(2)              max degree of freedomm per node (max over all
!                        nodes) in fields like v(0:mi(2))...
!     OUTPUT:
!     f                  magnitude of the distributed load
!     iscale             determines whether the flux has to be
!                        scaled for increments smaller than the 
!                        step time in static calculations
!                        0: no scaling
!                        1: scaling (default)